ENGIM Albania

Who we are
ENGIM is an NGO recognised in Italy for the first time in 1977. It intervenes in 16 countries around the world carrying out international cooperation projects, paying particular attention to education, skills development and the generation of new ideas, as key instruments for human development and economic growth.
ENGIM has been operating in Albania since 1995 and was officially recognised by the Albanian state in 2014. The organisation carries out on the territory a series of initiatives mainly aimed at the development of vocational training, youth aggregation and inclusion of children at risk of early school leaving, with disabilities and/or belonging to groups of the population most at risk, as well as female empowerment. The overall objective of ENGIM in Albania is to support the sustainable and inclusive development of the Albanian economy by promoting social entrepreneurship and social reuse of assets confiscated from organised crime. Specifically, the aim is to strengthen new models of social entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial skills of local CSOs in order to ensure the socio-economic inclusion of disadvantaged groups, including the social reuse of confiscated assets.
What we do
ENGIM has signed agreements with local institutions, ecclesiastical bodies and civil society organizations for the implementation of projects, the promotion of human rights of the weakest groups. It operates not only in the city center, Fier, but also in Berat, Elbasan, Durazzo, Vlora and Tirana, with a presence now stable and recognized throughout the Albanian territory. Since 2006, several Civil Service and Civil Peace Corps projects have been carried out at the Fier and Berat sites, involving a total of 54 volunteer operators.
Contacts and links
ENGIM Internazionale – Facebook
Partners Albania for Change and Development

Who we are
Partners Albania for Change and Development (PA) is an independent Albanian NPO established in 2001, working to support civil society and facilitate inter-sector cooperation to strengthen democratic institutions and advance economic development. PA has organized its interventions into four key programmatic areas:
1) Enabling Environment and Sustainable Development of Civil Society;
2)Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation;
3) Philanthropic activity and support infrastructure;
4)Transparent and accountable participatory governance.
What we do
Over the years, Partners Albania has had a leading role in various advocacy initiatives towards a more enabling legal environment for the civil society and NPO sector in Albania; leading research-based advocacy efforts on the development of an enabling legal and regulatory framework for social enterprises in Albania; facilitation of participatory processes and dialogue between CSOs and government institutions at the central and local level to increase transparency, responsibility, and accountability of governance toward citizens, etc.
In 2016, applying an innovative approach, focused on the promotion and development of the culture of social entrepreneurship and fight against organized crime, Partners Albania for Change and Development started, for the first time in Albania and the Western Balkans region, the initiative for the establishment of social enterprises in confiscated assets from organized crime: “C.A.U.S.E.–Confiscated Assets Used for Social Experimentation”. The approach involved the establishment of an institutional dialogue and partnership with the Agency for the Administration of Seized and Confiscated Assets and the improvement of institutional infrastructure to facilitate the process of social reuse of confiscated assets. As a result, the first three social enterprises in confiscated assets were established in the country: KeBuono Social Pastry, KinFolk Coffee Library, and Social Crafting Garage. PA is committed and engaged to increase the impact of this initiative, by supporting the establishment of new social enterprises in other confiscated assets.
Partners Albania is a member of Partners Global, a partnership network of 19 independent, local organizations in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and the Middle East working for peaceful and democratic change. Partners Albania is also a member of several European and regional networks such as Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN), The European Network for Social Enterprises and Impact-Driven Leaders (Euclid), Wings and Diesis Network.
Contacts and Links