DeMains Libres

Who we are
DeMains Libres (DML) is a French association composed of 20 volunteers whose aim is to raise awareness among the general public through the promotion of social anti-mafia practices.
Back in 2004, a group of young people with Italian origins and living in Paris founded the organisation “Libera France”, which since then has been running educational workshops in schools, conferences-debates and other initiatives to promote the culture of social anti-mafia. “Libera France” was created as a branch of “Libera Associazione Nomi e Numeri Contro le Mafie” with the aim to open up to a more international dimension the social anti-mafia action born in Italy, based on several studies and researches proving that mafia phenomena are often globalized.
Since its origins, “Libera France” – now DeMains Libres – has notably advocated for the introduction of a law for the use for social purposes of assets confiscated from criminal organisations and individuals involved in corrupted structure, to be then recognized as “common good” available to the community and the wider public. In 2013 Libera France was officially registered as a French non-profit association (based on the French National Legislation of 1901) and since 2015 the association has developed a more national structure by enlarging the area of action to Bordeaux, Marseille and Strasbourg. After this national opening, members of Libera France decided to take a step towards a more autonomous structure, to fully become part of the local and national milieu. This resulted also in a change of name into “DeMains Libres” (DML).
What we do
DeMains Libres is a French association open to all those who wish to get involved in the fight against mafias and corruption and it is fully inserted in the national public debate.
This translates into a work and actions shared with other associations to achieve a law on the social reuse of confiscated assets and in various cultural initiatives aimed at raising awareness among citizens and dismantling stereotypes about mafias. In this context DeMains Libres has organized several conferences, especially in the context of the International Day of mafias’ victims, on March 21th, and proposed lectures in middle and high schools to raise awareness on mafia and anti-mafia.
DML’s action focuses mainly on divulgation and awareness raising actions within the French territory, addressing audiences of young people and adults through public events such as movie screenings, conferences and events in bookshops, universities, and cultural institutes.
Contacts and links
DeMains Libres Paris – Facebook
DeMains Libres Marseille – Facebook
DeMains Libres Strasbourg – Facebook
DeMains Libres Paris – Instagram
Échanges et Partenariats

Who we are
Echanges et Partenariats (E&P) is a French organization that was created in
2003. Dedicated to the respect of human rights, E&P strengthens and develops
partnerships between international solidarity organizations, and mobilizes its
expertise for several networks.
What we do
Our major action, an exchange programme targeting
young volunteers, offers new ways for people to commit to involvement in solidarity
movements, struggles and mobilizations. Indeed, this programme aims to strengthen
partnerships between organizations but also to uplift the new generation of activists.
Since its creation, over 350 volunteers have been hosted in more than 100 European
and International organizations and have participated in E&P's 3-week pre-departure
programme in Paris. Nearly 50 French organizations were involved in these missions
as co-creators or as t
rainers. Therefore, E&P puts the emphasis on bringing together
people and organizations working on common issues, such as migration, housing
rights, seasonal migrant workers, social and environmental justice…
Contacts and links
Echanges-Partenariats – Website