Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie

Libera – is a network of more than 1.600 associations, groups and schools, committed to build up organisational synergies between the political and cultural local realities capable of promoting a culture of lawfulness.
Established in 1995, over the years it has maintained its ethical and practical orientations. The first focus is continuity: good starting ideas must be realised with tenacity and daily commitment; the second is its proposal: the fight against mafias and corruption cannot be based solely on indignation, it must follow the project; the third is sharing and co-responsibility. Mafias and corruption are not only a criminal issue, but also a social and cultural one, to be tackled by joining forces.
Libera’s action is focus on the promotion of social justice through active citizenship and the the main work pillars are:
- Remembrance and commitment, which deals with both keeping alive the memory of the innocent victims of organised crime and walking alongside their relatives, organising debate and training opportunities;
- Social re-use of confiscated assets, which deals with both the enhancement and promotion of the public and social reuse of assets confiscated and seized from organised crime groups and the support of associations and cooperatives that manage confiscated and seized assets in the promotion of social projects for the local development;
- Training and educational paths, especially addressed to young people, including educational projects and activities;
- Justice, which includes both the support of victims of organised crime in the courtroom and youth rehabilitation activities;
- International section, which involves networks of associations of different origins and with different geographical focus, particularly in Latin America, Europe and Africa.
It is present throughout Italy in 20 regional coordination groups, 82 provincial coordination groups and 278 local groups. 80 international organisations belong to the Libera Internazionale network, in 35 countries in Europe (through CHANCE network), Africa (through PLACE network) and Latin America (through ALAS network).
Every year, on 21 March, the first day of spring, on the Day of Remembrance and Commitment in memory of the mafias’ innocent victims, in many places in our country and abroad, all the names of the mafias’ innocent victims are read out loud. It is a long list, recited as an endless civil rosary, to make them live again, to never let them die. It starts on the 21 March, to continue on the remaining 365 days of the year, because only by making memory an instrument of commitment and responsibility is the seed of a new hope planted.
Contacts and links
Libera contro le mafie – Website
Libera contro le mafie – Facebook Libera Internazionale – Facebook
La Via Libera

Lavialibera is an editorial project born in January 2020 and founded by Libera and Gruppo Abele.
It consists of a bimonthly magazine, a website constantly updated and an active presence on the principal social media.
We are a young editorial team, based in Turin, that believe in journalism as a service for the citizens: (topics) not only mafia and corruption but also climate crisis, migrations and new poverties with insights, interviews and inquiries in Italy and outside the country.
Contacts and links
+39 011 3841093

CESIE is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation based in Palermo (Italy) and established in 2001.
CESIE is committed to promote the cultural, social, educational and economic development at local, national, European and international levels. CESIE contributes to growth and development through the active participation of people, civil society and institutions, always valuing diversity.
Inspired by the work and life of Danilo Dolci, we focus our actions on the research of social needs and challenges and the use of innovative learning approaches. In this way, CESIE actively connects research with action through the use of formal and non-formal learning approaches.
The organisational structure is divided into 6 thematic units working in synergy and managing activities in their specific fields:
· Youth
· Higher Education and Research
The units are supported by 3 geographical departments (Local, European and International) and 4 transversal offices: Visibility and Communication, Networking, HR, Financial.
Contacts and links
Gruppo Abele

Gruppo Abele is a lay association, founded in 1965 in Turin by Don Luigi Ciotti. Gruppo Abele has always combined the reception of fragile people, supporting those facing a difficult time and helping them to regain a place in society, with cultural and political commitment to build social justice.
Today, the association is active in various fields: from the treatment of substance and non-substance addictions to the reception of victims of trafficking, from the protection of family units in conflict situations to services to combat material and educational poverty, from publishing on social issues to international cooperation.
Gruppo Abele operates mainly in Italy, in Turin and Piedmont. And in Africa, where it has been present for 34 years in the city of Grand Bassam, Ivory Coast, with a literacy and vocational training project for young people and women in difficulty.
Contacts and links