Association for Cooperation and Sustainable Development (ACDD)

Who we are
ACDD is a think tank that monitors and contribute to the sustainable development policies in Romania and internationally. ACCD developed a special focus on three sustainable development goals (SDGs): peace, justice and strong institutions, quality education and gender equality. On strong institutions SDG, ACDD monitors in Romania the institutional capacity against criminal sector: the public attitudes and the impact of prevention agencies and prosecution agencies on human trafficking, corruption, smuggling, drug trafficking, extortion racketeering and other serious and organised crime activities. ACDD conducts research, deliver training and promote networking among stakeholders in the public sector and civil society. ACDD was involved in the CHANCE network project “Good(s) Monitoring Europe!”.
Contacts and links

The Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR) was founded in 2001 as a non-governmental, non-profit, politically independent organization in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The mission of PATRIR is to transform the way the world deals with conflicts, working from the local to the global levels – in partnership with communities, countries, and national and international organizations – to make peacebuilding and the constructive transformation of conflicts the basis for sustainable peace. PATRIR is the joint effort of hard-working people believing in its values. These people coordinate, work, or volunteer for the existing departments and programs, or in the administrative division of the Institute.
PATRIR was created as a result of numerous dialogues with representatives from various social sectors, as a response to the need for change within the local communities. In its strive to support the local communities in their development and meeting everyday challenges, the Institute lays its activity on to four pillars: action, training, research, advocacy, and awareness-raising.
The institute has as its basic principles non-violence, conflict transformation, the promotion of human rights through information and awareness-raising by solutions-oriented, social, political, and economic analysis.
PATRIR is committed to a world in which conflicts are transformed constructively, through peaceful means – in which individuals, communities, countries, and local, national, regional, and international organisations and actors are empowered to address conflicts effectively and work together to do so. Even though the headquarters of the Institute is in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, it works at a regional, national, and international level.
Contacts and links
+40 (0)264 420 298
Strada Ion Ghica 30
CJ 400306
Cluj-Napoca – Romania