The enhancement of the civil society and institutions’ cooperation to prevent corruption and organised crime
Law enforcement
Starting from the commitment for the implementation of Directive 2014/42/EU at national level through our members, our network is very committed in cooperating with public authorities at local and national level to improve the legal framework on tackling the illegal economy and creating new tools of prevention for illicit financial flows. In particular, we have presented our Political Agenda on 2019 at the European parliament, sharing 15 thematic points on which both European Union and National institutions were called for.

We believe in the power of networking, of creating relations and alliances with new associations, public authorities, international organisations and academic entities.
It is fundamental to cooperate in such complex topics to create common actions / projects and to monitor together how the “common good” can be healed and strengthened.

Starting from alliances, we have developed some stable collaborations with European platforms which have a good impact in the exchange of good practices and information.
Among them, you can find the “European Week of Regions and Cities” in which we have participated since 2019, presenting our ongoing work the promotion of the public and social reuse of confiscated assets; another important collaboration is the European Civic Forum, together with many other CSOs and the exchange with the Fundamental Rights Agency of European Union. Last but not least, we have the consultative status on both ECOSOC, promoted by ONU, and the ARO (Asset Recovery Offices) Platform, promoted by Europol and European Commission.