Raising awareness on Serious and Organized Crime
(Drug and Human Trafficking, Environmental Crime, Illicit Arms Trade, Cybercrime)

To deepen and to increase the knowledge on criminal networks and illicit trafficking activities, from traditional crime areas to the most innovative ones

General overview

Information sharing, reports, databases, articles and exchange of knowledge are fundamental to raise awareness on organised crime and corruption issues. There are many different types of illegal activities managed by organised criminal groups and above all by white collars, which affect our fundamental human rights. It is important to stay updated and follow different media at national, European and international level. Among them, some transnational networks of journalists are very powerful in investigating the criminal phenomena (and not only):


It is really important to read, learn and improve our knowledge on the different analysis, researches and investigations of both institutional and academic entities which deepen everyday the developments and challenges of fighting against corruption and organised crime. As CHANCE, we have started to collect some official documents and we have created a dedicated page, which could become an important archive of data, updates on different aspects of the criminal phenomena. At the same time, we have developed many new deliverables, linked to our projects, which can be useful for improving the social prevention of this phenomena. 

“Free Your Ideas” project

A multi-stop journey around Europe to rewrite and renew civil engagement against organised crime and corruption. It gathers individual and collective actions able to generate a change.

“Free your ideas” is a social research, firstly conducted by the national network of Libera against mafias in Italy and its partners, to share an update reading about organised crime and corruption and their perception by society. At EU level, FYI has engaged associations from 5 countries in Europe: France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Romania, involving experts, journalists, institutional representatives and academic professors in raising awareness on the criminal phenomena and its effects.