You Monitor: An innovative project to learn to monitor the common good
With the beginning of International Anti-Corruption Day, a new European project aims to provide innovative, educative tools to empower youth workers in the fight against corruption in Europe.

The objective of “You Monitor – Empowering YOUth to build MONITORial communities against corruption” is to develop an innovative, cross-sectorial and non-formal educational method, that can be used by youth workers for engaging and empowering young people in civic anti-corruption, i.e. in promoting a culture of integrity and developing monitorial communities.

The 7 project’s partners from Germany, France and Italy will develop theoretical chapters and workshop activities on power, corruption, community-based monitoring and anti-corruption campaigns. The activities will be based on various approaches such as ethical dilemma, theatre and art, campaigning, community building, role-play, etc. The composition of the partnership brings together anti-corruption and youth work competences and will create a common strategy for integrity education and anti-corruption empowerment, involving young people in all three partner countries.

In line with the European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027, the project promotes active citizenship competences and creates opportunities for young people to participate in public life within the political areas that are relevant to their lives, with an innovative form of democratic participation aimed at tackling corruption with a bottom-up approach. Moreover, the project responds to the provisions of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption for civil society organisations in promoting anti-corruption educational programmes and public participation in decision-making processes. That is why the project symbolically kicks off on December 9th, on the United Nations International Anti-Corruption Day.

Results to achieve

  • Support awareness-raising and capacity building of youth workers and provide them with materials specifically designed to engage and empower a young audience on integrity and civic monitoring.
  • Support and empower young people in the development of monitoring initiatives within their local communities.
  • Exchange best practices and multidisciplinary competences between partners from France, Germany, Italy, and build an European network promoting the central role of youth active citizenship against corruption across Europe and, in particular, in the partner countries.

Proposed activities

  • Production of the You Monitor toolkit: the toolkit is available in 4 languages (DE, EN, FR, IT), free to download, licensed and released under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).
  • Piloting and validation of project’s results in 2 Transnational Training with invited youth workers
  • 3 Multiplier Events in Berlin, Paris, Rome


The partner associations will have new tools to raise awareness, train, and empower youth in the civic fight against corruption, which will be available to be used at local, national, and community level. The partners will expand an international network of subjects interested in using the results of the project, both through youth workers and public authorities. Finally, thanks to training based on You Monitor, young people will be offered the necessary opportunities and tools to become young anti-corruption activists and leaders, promoting anti-corruption campaigns and a culture of integrity at a local/national/EU level.

Download the YouMonitor Toolkit


mafianeindanke e.V. , GERMANY

Eine Welt e.V. Leipzig, GERMANY

Gruppo Abele, ITALY

Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie – Italy

DeMains Libres, FRANCE

Échanges et Partenariats, FRANCE

Università di Pisa – Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche (University of Pisa – Department of Political Science), ITALY

Further information





Project development: 01/12/2020 – 31/01/2023

You Monitor is a project of Erasmus+, KA 2 – Strategic Partnerships for Innovation
This project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union – Project and Financing no. 2020-2-DE04-KA205-019925
